Action research through the lens of the ‘rendang’ analogy

Mohd Syafiq Aiman Mat Noor (1), Satirah Ahmad (2), Zailah Zainudin (3)
(1) School of Education, University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom,
(2) Jabatan Bahasa, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim, Kedah, Malaysia,
(3) Malaysian Action Research Network, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


This article explores similarities between the preparation of rendang –a rich, concentrated curry that’s sweet, spicy, and savoury– and the practice of action research, with a focus on examples of action research studies conducted by Malaysian academics. Drawing upon our personal and professional experiences in the Malaysian context, we illustrate the philosophy and methodology of action research through the process of making rendang. The three central tenets observed in both domains are contextuality, continuity and quality. Through the lens of these shared attributes and culturally rich practices, our aim is to facilitate an understanding of action research among novice researchers, particularly in the Malaysian context.

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Mohd Syafiq Aiman Mat Noor (Primary Contact)
Satirah Ahmad
Zailah Zainudin
Mat Noor, M. S. A., Ahmad, S., & Zainudin, Z. (2023). Action research through the lens of the ‘rendang’ analogy. Malaysian Journal of Action Research, 1(1), 35–44.

Article Details

An ongoing discussion about validity and quality in action research

Mohd Syafiq Aiman Mat Noor, Yoon Sook Jhee, Muhammad Zulfadhli Kamarudin
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